“Violet Finds A Dollar” was featured on WCIU-TV for Black History Month as a book that celebrates cultural diversity. The series works to combat the stereotype that fathers are not present in communities of children of color. Instilling cultural pride in our children begins at an early age. In the center of cultural pride is integrity. How do you “Do it For the Culture”? How do you use integrity as a tool to teach your children about their culture?

Violet and Derek’s Dad is confident in his role as a teacher, protector, and nurturer. He is very aware that he is modeling his culture and role as a father every day for his son and daughter.
1. We cannot pass on to our children, with integrity, roles and a culture that we have yet to define for ourselves. Food, family relations, mannerisms, and faith can all be parts of a person’s culture. Expose your child, in honest ways, to what you want them model/see.
2. Read. There is a big focus on cultural diversity in books for a reason. We begin reading to our children long before they are able to read because we know they must be exposed to literacy from an early age. Choosing books that are culturally diverse, that teach integrity, are an active choice that parents can make. The Violet Book Series is a safe choice to teach from!
3. Children notice differences in people in shapes, sizes, and gender as early as 2 years of age.
Children may then approach their parents, with integrity, asking honest questions about what they see and experience. Continuing to foster open dialogue around cultural mannerisms and faith is important for children. Creating a good foundation, based in integrity, creates a two way street, where both child and parent are able to approach conversations around culture in a way that is educational, fun, and safe.
4. Share examples of morally strong characters throughout your child’s culture, who operated with integrity. For example, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Harriet Tubman.